Essays for Peace

This September 21st - UN International Peace Day, we invite everyone to be part of Essays for Peace. This global action will begin in several cities in New Zealand and will conclude in Honolulu, Hawaii, 36 hours later. On the night of September 20th, when the clock strikes midnight and it is already 21st, we invite everyone to replace for 5 minutes (or any possible time fraction) the content of all the screens in the world (public and private, large and small) with the image, in video, of a lit candle. No words. No logos. No political associations. Just a candle We want to evoke a universal symbol of unity. Each glowing flame projected represents a pilgrim soul seeking tranquility; each one rising like a prayer for the solidarity that can cure our fractured world. At noon local time in all time zones, we will join the Peace-Wave by changing the content of the screens to lit candles and meditating for a minute of silence for world peace. After that minute, at 12:01 we invite all the bell towers and chimes of the world to join the minute of sound, ringing the bells of every town and city in the world for as long as possible until 12 midnight. Llorenç Barber, renowned for his city concerts, composed a score for peace to accompany this action. The project proposes to assemble a network of networks: Individuals, public and private organizations together looking for their inner peace, where hope and solace can emerge both spiritually and collectively in order to renew our commitment to peace.

Participate as an individual

Participate as an individual

We invite you to be a node for this peace network changing the content of your home screens, such as cell phones, tablets, laptops, monitors or tv sets, with the image of the candle. We suggest to engage with the image of the candle with some meditation, a moment of silence, or bell music. Follow us at @essaysforpeace on Instagram, and share your participation with the hashtag #EssaysForPeace or #EnsayosParaLaPaz Download your videos here

Participate as an organization or company

Participate as an organization or company

We invite you to participate by being a node of this action and spreading it in your offices, among your collaborators, inviting them to be part of this action or simply changing the content of your screens during that day. If you collaborate with screens, we invite you to complete a form. Don't forget to detail the size so that we can share the video with you in the correct format. You can complete the participation form here

As a media, advertising or OOH company

As a media, advertising or OOH company

You can join as a node of the peace network by donating time on your screens. It may be at noon and/or midnight, for 5 minutes or as long as you wish. We invite all those responsible for the screens to complete a form so that we can send them the material in their corresponding size. You can complete the participation form here

Participate being a peace multiplicator node in your networks

Participate being a peace multiplicator node in your networks

We all belong to different networks of friends, clubs and organizations that could help us grow and reach more people. We invite you to write to us at to see how you can multiply our participation in these essays on Peace. The network/association/group can be of any type and can help us reach more people, more screens, or get to know projects that also work for peace. Thanks a lot!

World out of Home Organization supports us

World out of Home Organization supports us

One month after the @essaysforpeace, The World Out of Home Organization, the world's largest association of outdoor advertising screens, has expressed its support for this project, which already has thousands of screens in several dozen cities. Today, and thanks to this publication, many more have decided to join in. There are more screens than people in the world and we want the message on all possible screens to be an Essay for Peace. link to WOO news

Essays for Peace in Ushuaia TV

Essays for Peace in Ushuaia TV

The first media to broadcast the project Essays for Peace was the public television station "Fueguina", in Ushuaia, the southernmost city in the world, confirming that it is a project that brings airs of peace from the south to the rest of world Watch the full video

La capital de Mar de Plata

La capital de Mar de Plata

After having appeared on television at the end of the world, the newspaper La Capital from the city of Mar del Plata, a coastal city in Argentina, was the second media outlet to cover the Peace Essays. Although we did not seek to have the news spread from the southern peripheries to the North, this is what happened organically and we are delighted that it did. Read the story in spanish

Ana Martínez Quijano set a context for Essays for Peace in Ambito Financiero

Ana Martínez Quijano set a context for Essays for Peace in Ambito Financiero

Our friend, Ana Martínez Quijano, is the first journalist in the art world to explain in a very generous note the context from which the action arose and to publish it in her column in the newspaper Ambito Financiero of Buenos Aires, Argentina. This note becomes the first time that the project is mentioned in a mass media in a world capital 17 days after the event. Read the story in spanish

Essays for peace by Israel Tolentino Cotrina in the newspaper "Ahora" of Huánuco, Peru

Essays for peace by Israel Tolentino Cotrina in the newspaper "Ahora" of Huánuco, Peru

The news on Essays for Peace continues its journey from the South to the North and the next stop is the newspaper "Ahora" in Huánuco, a district capital in the central Peruvian highlands. The pen is by the artist Israel Tolentino Cotrina, another friend who has known the project since its genesis and describes with much love the heart of the project. Read the story in spanish

2021 Essays for living in peace

In June 2021, 19 large-format screens belonging to 17 companies in the City of Buenos Aires donated their spaces for 5 consecutive nights in the name of Peace.

If you can think of any other way to support Essays for Peace, please email us at

It will be a pleasure to hear your ideas and talk.